About the Blog

I recently developed a new fondness for food, I don't know if I could be clichéd as "foody" but I have learned to savor new flavors, in a way I never knew could be done. It some how makes you more acceptable of things around you... how??... may be right now I will not be able to explain how.
But it is similar the way I savor life, just like every restaurants,every cook and every region has a different flavor to offer similarly every person, relation and situation have different experience to offer you which results in feeling kaleidoscope of emotions every now and then...

This blog is dedicated to every colour of emotion. Right from hatred to love from friends to enemies, from betrayal to loyalty , from tears to laughter, from giggles to smirks, from frustrations to achievements.
It's about tasting a new flavor of life every day. 

So, I take great pride in sharing some of my cuisines with you in my most favorite style - Every thing right here on the "platter"...!!!


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